Hatfield Dog Collars and Leashes Bentonville, AR Available at Walmart.com and Walmart Stores

Gallery & Videos

Accept No Substitutions....We Are The Real McCoy!

Hatfield Pet Specialties - Collars &

Collar-Leash Combinations

As a practicing veterinarian for 35 years your pets have been an important part of my life. We would like to post a picture of your pet wearing a Hatfield Control Collar or Collar and Leash Combination for the rest of the world to see. Please go to our Facebook page and once you have liked our page post a picture of your pet. We promise to do our best to get every picture posted there onto our website.

Hatfield Dog Collars &

Collar-Leash Combinations

These videos give new meaning to “ Our Dog Is A Part Of Our Family” We hope you enjoy them as much as we did.